Thursday, September 25, 2014

Week 25 Thursday

September 25 2014

View East yesterday evening

View West something is brewing

What a surprise this morning, I woke up to an unfamiliar sound on my windows this morning.  Haven't seen rain in a longgggggggggggggg time in SF.  We need it badly but please stay clear until we can get the new roof on the building.  The HOA is busily getting bids from various roofers and hope to decide soon.  I definitely don't want any rain coming into my newly remodeled unit.

The doors jambs all had to be removed and re-installed today.  They all moved when the sheet rockers started their work.  Large muscle not fine muscle guys and they will be back again tomorrow.  They still have one more coat of thin plaster to apply before the painters can start.  They should be done by the end of the week.  

The painters will be in on Monday to prime and paint the ceiling.  That will take the rest of next week.  If the floors are dry the overlay will take the week of October 6th.

Home stretch!

Stay tuned and watch the transformation.  If you want a hint of it's future look at my Pinterest posts.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Week 25 Tuesday

September 23 2014

Wouldn't you know it a film crew is shooting a Toyota commercial on the same day we are pouring cement.  At least it is in the block down the street and not in front of our house where they usually shoot because of Lombard Street.  The only problem is that they have taken all of the parking on several streets for the shoot.  

We have a huge cement truck plus a truck the same size that carries all of the equipment and is towing a machine that pumps the cement up to the fourth floor

 There are 17 guys on the job.  3 from the cement company, 2 from my contractor and the other 12 are pouring cement into a wheelbarrow, dumping , raking, leveling, and them smoothing with a large trowel in each room.  They started at 8 am and said it would all be finished in one to two hours.  

The pump truck which is sending the cement up to the 4th floor and the view down to the street.

One wheelbarrow at a time, actually several, but this is how they get it into the individual rooms.

Really hard work, heavy lifting, dirty and a lot of it on your knees or leaning over.  They did not finish it two hours more like six and you don't get a break because cement can become concrete in a blink of an eye.

There is a big mess everywhere that they assure me they will clean up but I will check before the rest of the owners get home.

Stay tuned and watch the transformation.  If you want a hint of it's future look at my Pinterest posts.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Week 24 Wednesday

September 19 2014

Sorry you haven't heard from me in awhile but work is progressing.  The tedious process of taping, sanding, taping, sanding, etc. has been progressing slowly.   They will be finishing today.  I took a video but it doesn't seem to want to up load to the blog.

They also have prepped the floor for the gyp-crete pour on Tuesday.  Again one more problem besides the fact that were supposed to do all of this yesterday. When the truck came they said they could not pump the cement up to the fourth floor and through the window because of the hill.  So now when they come on Monday they have to run the hose up four flights of stairs and into our unit.  I hope we don't have any problems with this.  What a mess that would be.

They will be installing industrial size de-humidifiers in the unit in order to get the moisture out of the concrete asap.  We cannot put the finish coat on until it is completely dry.  Mean while I have scheduled everyone and hope this does not delay things.

I hope this means that the painter will be starting on Wednesday. The end is finally in sight.

Stay tuned and watch the transformation.  If you want a hint of it's future look at my Pinterest posts.