Tuesday, July 29, 2014

  Week 17 Tuesday

July 29 2014

Windows, lots and lots of windows and the bathtub we are on a roll now.

Stay tuned and watch the transformation.  If you want a hint of it's future look at my Pinterest posts.  http://www.pinterest.com/jdzinesf/hyde-street-penthouse/


Friday, July 25, 2014

 Week 16 Friday

July 25th 2014

Met with the concrete overlay person yesterday.  The picture above is just what I would like my floors to look like.

I also met with the modern door company with the name Old World Door Company.  He said 50% of their business is now the modern and not the old world.  I think they need a name change.  We finalized almost everything and the metal door jambs will be here next week.  We need them installed for the sheet rockers.  A really interesting system, made in Italy of course. 

Meet with the AV foreman today to double check all the wiring is in and in the right place.  Tons of cords building up in my AV closet.

The Heating contractor is here installing new duct work and the linear vents and return air in the ceiling.

Truitt and White just called and my windows arrived last night.  They are being delivered on Monday morning along with the tub we need to install.  Things are moving along.  As soon as the windows are in the sheet rockers will be here to close up the spaces.

Have a great weekend, I know I will have a smile on my face.

Stay tuned and watch the transformation.  If you want a hint of it's future look at my Pinterest posts.  http://www.pinterest.com/jdzinesf/hyde-street-penthouse/


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

 Week 16 Wednesday

July 23 2014

Car crash on Lombard St with emergency vehicle behind

Green screen back drop in front of the RLS house with debris infront

Well yesterday was a disaster for SF, a earthquake hit and houses and walls are falling down and my construction workers could not get any where near the job. 

They are filming a movie that is coming out this summer, "San Andreas", actually I think it has been made before, definitely not getting my money.

More of the same at house.  They are replacing the sub floor so it will be strong enough to hold the concrete without causing cracks.  The heat registers are going in.  The windows are supposed to come next week and once those are installed they can start sheetrock

Things should start getting more more interesting next week.

Stay tuned and watch the transformation.  If you want a hint of it's future look at my Pinterest posts.  http://www.pinterest.com/jdzinesf/hyde-street-penthouse/


Monday, July 14, 2014

 Week 15 Monday

July 14 2014

Well I bet you all wondered where I have been.  Wish I could tell you something exotic but just the same old same old.

Things are progressing on the project.  I haven't written because it has just been more of the same, installation of electric, plumbing and AV.  They are all finished now.  Just a few adjustments and we are ready to roll.  Still need the heating contractor to install his venting.

This week is going to be really interesting!  Replacing  and strengthening the existing sub flooring in preparation for the concrete pour.  Once the windows get here...soon I hope, they will install  them and then the sheet rocking can begin. That's when you start feeling like you are making the turn toward the finish line.

They are pouring the concrete after sheet rock and then there will be a finish product put on top of the gyp-crete.  Still to be decided but I have been talking to several contractors.  I'll keep you posted once I decide.

Today I've been looking for some interesting sliding door hardware for my glass doors that doesn't cost an arm and a leg and that I like for my aesthetic.  Think I found some today.  Don't know the pricing yet.

Interesting turn on  Barn Door Hardware

Love this one because you don't see the hardware 

but can't figure out how it works

Stay tuned and watch the transformation.  If you want a hint of it's future look at my Pinterest posts.  http://www.pinterest.com/jdzinesf/hyde-street-penthouse/

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

 Week 13

Tuesday July 2nd 2014

Of course nothing but problems with the linear drain.  And it is a holiday week so everyone is on vacation.  The plumber said it wouldn't work, but then this system is new to him.  So I start making phone calls to supplier, then rep, then the manufacturer, who of course is not available.  I finally get a call back from the company late in the afternoon.  I will have to discuss this information with the contractor this morning.

Tech support says no problem the plumber can install with the existing depth of the floor joists, so the plumber is wrong about that.  The problem is with the floating concrete floor.  He is worried that the concrete will not hold up over time and that is going to cause cracking.  I may have to use tile in both the bathrooms to insure the integrity of the waterproofing material.  More to talk to the contractor about.

It's never easy with remodels and using new systems.  Stay tuned for the results.

Meanwhile the electric is proceeding with vigor, something is going right.

Inspiration for bathroom lighting

Stay tuned and watch the transformation.  If you want a hint of it's future look at my Pinterest posts.  http://www.pinterest.com/jdzinesf/hyde-street-penthouse/
